Our Reponse?
The ‘In Sight’ project - a unique photography project highlighting the issue of homelessness through the lens of those who have lived it.

The Execution
Over the course of 12 months, we handed out 45 disposable cameras to members of Ireland's homeless community and asked them to take pictures that expressed their personal experience of homelessness. Photography training was provided from a top Irish street photographer to help them on their way. The results were striking, thought-provoking, humorous and at times heart-breaking. For each photograph we also captured a title and description from the photographer offering a further insight into the experience.
As an independent project (ran by myself and Lucy Ryan), there was no significant budget behind it, and was therefore brought to life with the help of many generous partners and sponsors.
With their help we set up a month-long exhibition in the Powerscourt Centre, Dublin, inviting all the photographers to the launch, with all photographs for sale to raise money for the Dublin Simon Community.
A second outdoor exhibition 'IN SIGHT OUT' took place on the railings of St. Stephens Green for 2 weeks in November/December 2016.
Brand Identity
We created a brand logo that was as diverse and individual as each of the photographers who took part. The logo consisted of a striking black foreground with the words 'IN SIGHT' cut out to reveal one of the photographs behind it. A soft blur around the edges of the words gave focus on the image behind it, as if looking further and deeper than usual. This represented the aim of the project- to blur out the negativity and the cliche of homelessness (represented by the darkness) and to focus and get an insight on the individual and their experiences.

This approach flowed through the entire brand identity, and for each new piece of print / social post or email we utilised a different photograph behind the text.

The Results?
We achieved more P.R than we could possibly have imagined, including a double page spread in the Irish Times, a slot on Sunday AM and the Ray Darcy show. We raised over €6,000 for the Dublin Simon Community and more importantly we gave a platform to those who needed it most.
View the full case-study here >
View the full case-study here >
'Category for Change' winner - ICAD Awards 2017
'Best Exhibition' - Event Industry Ireland Awards 2017
'PR/Tactical News Story' - Kinsale Shark Awards 2017
My Role
Creative Direction, Brand Identity, Design, Copywriting, Project Management, Social Media management, Sales & Fulfilment...all with Lucy Ryan.